Phil Lombardi

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Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
Business, Technology, Marketing
Best Pilates app

Best Apps to Try Pilates at Home

In 10 sessions, you’ll feel the difference. In 20 sessions, you’ll see a difference. And in 30 sessions, you’ll have a whole new body” – Joseph Pilates. If you want to improve your health, Pilates is a great choice.



Phil Lombardi

Best video editor for youtube

Best Video Editing Software for YouTube 2024

With more than 2.7 billion active users worldwide, it's no wonder more people want to release Youtube videos daily.



Phil Lombardi

Ipad animation app

Best Animation Apps for iPad

Dive into the captivating world of animation on your iPad. Unleash creativity with our top picks, turning your tablet into an animated canvas.



Phil Lombardi

Software licensing

What Is a Software License?

Software spending reached more than $922 billion in 2023, up 13.7% over 2022. With this spending, it's essential for developers and users to understand how to legally use software applications, including software licensing.



Phil Lombardi

Best project management software

15 Best Project Management Software for 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

Did you know that 77% of high-performing teams use project management software? Using project management software may be the solution if you're looking for a way to improve your team's productivity.



Phil Lombardi

Best video editing apps

Best Productivity Apps for Mac in 2024

According to a University of California study, work interruptions result in billions of wasted hours a year. Learn how productivity apps on Mac can help.



Phil Lombardi

Employee monitor software

Top 9 Employee Monitoring Software for 2024

Benjamin Franklin once said, “Lost time is never found again.” One of the best ways to ensure your employees aren’t losing time is through employee monitoring software.



Phil Lombardi


OpenShot vs. Shotcut: Which Free Video Editor Is Better?

The notion of directing a film is the invention of critics – the whole eloquence of cinema is achieved in the editing room." Orson Welles knew the importance of video editing in 1951. Here, let’s compare two popular free video editors.



Phil Lombardi

Software bugs

Software Bugs: What They Are, How They Happen, and How to Fix Them

"The caterpillars of the commonwealth, which I have sworn to weed and pluck away." 425+ years after Shakespeare, and we're still trying to get rid of bugs, just of a different kind.



Phil Lombardi


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